When Was Riefenstahl (2024) Released

1. Riefenstahl | Rotten Tomatoes

  • Rated: 4/5 • Date Aug 29, 2024. Full Review · Critic's profile. Critic's Name ... Riefenstahl. Previous. Riefenstahl photo 1. Riefenstahl photo 2. Riefenstahl ...

  • A captivating insight into the private estate of Leni Riefenstahl, who became world-famous with her Nazi propaganda film TRIUMPH OF THE WILL but kept denying any closer ties to the regime.

2. Riefenstahl (2024) | IDFA Festival

  • Bevat niet: released | Resultaten tonen met:released

  • Certainly for a contemporary audience, Leni Riefenstahl (1902-2003) is by far the best-known director who worked for the Nazis. She owes her enduring fame to the cinematic bravado of her innovative and still influential propaganda documentaries, such as Triumph des Willens (about the Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg, 1934) and Olympia (about the Berlin Olympics, 1936).Perhaps equally notorious is the tenacity with which she insisted on her own historical innocence, and that of her aesthetics: yes, she had been impressed by Hitler, but had merely seized an opportunity to use her talents.For this fascinating portrait, Andres Veiel, an eminent chronicler of recent German history, had access for the first time to a wealth of private material from the estate of Riefenstahl and her partner Horst Kettner, who was 40 years her junior. By no means did this soften Veiel’s attitude towards Riefenstahl. More than in previous films about her, it becomes clear how much she longed to be seen in a favorable light, wallowing in self-righteous victimhood. Above all, Veiel shows that Riefenstahl could not have been unaware of the cruel fate of her employees and extras.

3. Riefenstahl (2024) directed by Andres Veiel • Reviews, film + cast

4. Riefenstahl | Eye Filmmuseum

  • Nieuwe release | Intens documentair portret van Natasha, Svitlana en Zoia, drie vrouwen uit Oekraïne. We zien hen in de keuken van het opvangpand in Weesp.

  • Ze gold als baanbrekend cineast én propagandist van Hitlers Derde Rijk – Leni Riefenstahl deed er alles aan om het besmette verleden te herschrijven, de documentaire legt onverbiddelijk de leugens bloot. Biografie van een van de controversieelste filmers van de 20ste eeuw. 

5. Riefenstahl (film, 2024) - FilmVandaag.nl

  • Riefenstahl (2024) Riefenstahl is vanaf donderdag 24 april 2025 in de bioscoop te zien. Onderzoekt de artistieke erfenis van Leni Riefenstahl en haar complexe ...

  • Onderzoekt de artistieke erfenis van Leni Riefenstahl en haar complexe banden met het naziregime. Haar zelfportret wordt vergeleken met…

6. Riefenstahl | Yorck Kinos Berlin

7. Riefenstahl | Eye Filmmuseum

  • Nieuwe release | Intense documentary portrait of three Ukrainian women Natasha, Svitlana and Zoia shot in the kitchen of their shelter in Weesp (NL).

  • Seen as a groundbreaking filmmaker, as well as a propagandist for Hitler’s Third Reich, Leni Riefenstahl did everything in her power to rewrite her tainted past. This documentary relentlessly exposes the lies. Biography of one of the most controversial filmmakers of the 20th century.

8. 'Riefenstahl,' Documentary About Nazi Propagandist and Filmmaker Leni ...

  • 3 okt 2024 · Kino Lorber is planning a theatrical release in 2025, followed by a digital, educational, and home video release. Produced by Sandra ...

  • Kino Lorber has acquired North American rights to 'Riefenstahl,' a documentary about Leni Riefenstahl, a filmmaker and Nazi propagandist.

9. Riefenstahl - Zurich Film Festival

  • RIEFENSTAHL by director Andres Veiel explores her artistic creations as well as her complex relationship to the Nazi regime and shows that history is not ...

  • Leni Riefenstahl is one or the most significant but also most controversial figures in cinematic history. Until the end of her life, she claimed to have known nothing of the crimes committed by the National Socialists, despite her work as a propagandist and director. RIEFENSTAHL by director Andres Veiel explores her artistic creations as well as her complex relationship to the Nazi regime and shows that history is not always black and white. By juxtapositioning Riefenstahl’s own recollections and archival evidence, a multifaceted picture emerges, revealing the complexity of her role in history.

10. Riefenstahl - Cineuropa

  • RIEFENSTAHL ; genre: documentary ; directed by: Andres Veiel ; film run: 116' ; release date: DE 31/10/2024, FR 27/11/2024 ; screenplay: Andres Veiel.

  • Cineuropa - the best of european cinema

11. Voor IDFA 2024 geselecteerde films - classicnl

  • 4 nov 2024 · ... Release in Nederland: 16 januari 2025. Riefenstahl. Onthullende, diepgravende documentaire over de beruchte nazi-propagandamaker Leni ...

  • Imagine Filmdistributie en Cinema Delicatessen brengen in de Nederlandse bioscopen een aantal films uit die geselecteerd zijn voor het International Documentary Festival Amsterdam van 14 t/m 24 november. Waaronder Riefenstahl van Imagine Filmdistributie en Favoriten van  Cinema Delicatessen.    De drie films van Imagine Filmdistributie   Soundtrack to a coup d’état Met rijk archiefmateriaal vertelt de meeslepende documentaire hoe jazz en geopolitiek samenkomen in een zwart hoofdstuk van de Koude Oorlog, de moord op de Congolese premier Patrice Lumumba. Regisseur Johan Grimonprez is eregast en van 15 t/m 20 november aanwezig op IDFA. Release in Nederland: 21 november 2024 Ernest Cole: Lost and found Aangrijpende film van Raoul Peck –..

When Was Riefenstahl (2024) Released
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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.