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A moment of biographical analysis under the microscope: reading Felipe's autobiographical narrative
Mê-Linh Riemann
Contemporary Social Science , 2018
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The Routledge International Handbook on Narrative and Life History
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Inventing PLEA: A Social History of a College-Writing Initiative at a Chilean University
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Storying the Good life: Selfhood and Morality through the Biographical Narrative’ Storyline.
Oriana Bernasconi
Qualitative Sociology Review, 2015
The connection between personal story and morality has been long enunciated, but remains under-researched. Combining moral and narrative theory, this article approaches this relation by introducing a line of narrative inquiry oriented towards the exploration of how ethical intentions with regard to the good life manifest in and shape the biographical storyline and the self narratively assembled. The analysis encompasses a first case-based stage focused on the examination of the main motive of the personal story and its effects upon the organization of both self and narrative, followed by a comparative phase in which storylines and moral motives that work as reference of a set of biographical accounts belonging to different social positions, temporalities, or geographies are contrasted in order to establish linkages, breaks, and transformations in the relation between identity and morality across cases. This line of inquiry is applied into a research about intergenerational changes and continuities in the relation between selfhood and morality, based on life stories conducted with Chilean people of successive generations. In the conclusions, this strategy of narrative analysis is assessed in the light of current development of this field of qualitative social research.
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Historian’s Self Writing: Interview with C. Delacroix, F. Dosse and P. Garcia
Christian Delacroix
Estudos Históricos (Rio de Janeiro), 2021
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Life-Histories: Lives: An Anthropological Approach to Biography . L. L. Langness, Gelya Frank. ; Life Histories and Psychobiography: Explorations in Theory and Method . William McKinley Runyan. ; Carmen: The Autobiography of a Spanish Woman . Hans C. Buechler, Judith-Maria Buechler. ; Son of Tecu...
Vincent Crapanzano
American Anthropologist, 1984
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Learning from Narratives, Discourses and Biographical Research
Hazel Wright
This book is a rich and mul� faceted collec� on of twenty-eight chapters that use varied lenses to examine the discourses that shape people’s lives. The contributors are themselves from many backgrounds – diff erent academic disciplines within the humani� es and social sciences, diverse professional prac� ces and a range of countries and cultures. They represent a broad spectrum of age, status and outlook, and variously apply their research methods – but share a common interest in people, their lives, thoughts and ac� ons. Gathering such eclec� c experiences as those of student-teachers in Kenya, a released prisoner in Denmark, academics in Colombia, a group of migrants learning English, and gambling addic� on support-workers in Italy, alongside more mainstream educa� onal themes, the book presents a fascina� ng array of insights.
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Movimento Revista de Educação Física da UFRGS
Narrative is now an accepted research methodology across the social sciences. However, for researchers from positivistic backgrounds, becoming a narrative researcher can be complex. In this article we share four stories to explore the dilemmas and challenges that Lorena, as PhD student, and David, as supervisor, experienced during Lorena's turn to narrative. We use a duoethnography to focus on pivotal moments during Lorena's journey that elicited important learning and personal development. By sharing these stories, we aim to stimulate reflection and dialogue between students and supervisors who may be embarking on their own journeys towards narrative. Resumo: A narrativa é atualmente uma metodologia de pesquisa aceita em todas as ciências sociais. No entanto, para pesquisadores de fonte positivista, tornar-se um pesquisador narrativo pode ser complexo. Neste artigo compartilhamos quatro histórias para explorar os dilemas e desafios que Lorena, como doutoranda, e David, como supervisor, experimentaram durante a mudança de Lorena para a narrativa. Usamos uma duoetnografia para nos concentrar em momentos cruciais durante a jornada de Lorena, que despertou importantes aprendizagens e desenvolvimento pesoal. Ao compartilhar essas histórias, buscamos estimular a reflexão eo diálogo entre alunos e supervisores que podem estar começando em suas próprios viagem para a narrativa. Resumen: La narrativa es actualmente una metodología de investigación aceptada en todas las ciencias sociales. Sin embargo, para los investigadores de origen positivista, convertirse en investigador narrativo puede ser complejo. En este artículo compartimos cuatro historias para explorar los dilemas y desafíos que Lorena, como estudiante de doctorado, y David, como supervisor, experimentaron durante el cambio de Lorena a la narrativa. Usamos una etnografía a dúo para centrarnos en momentos clave durante el viaje de Lorena, lo que generó importantes aprendizajes y desarrollo personal. Al compartir estas historias, pretendemos estimular la reflexión y el diálogo entre estudiantes y supervisores que pueden estar empezando sus propios viajes hacia la narrativa.
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[Book review] Selves and Identities in Narrative and Discourse (2007)
David Block
Sociolinguistic Studies, 2008
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Narrative identities of young chileans. Mainstream convergences and deviant struggles
Diego H Padilla-Lobos
Since the last part of the 20th century, several sociological perspectives have emerged endorsing the interweaving of social structure and the individual agency, serving to a new comprehension of social phenomena and their factual dynamics. In criminology, the conceptions about crime and its relationship with the mainstream cultural structure have been questioned –endorsing that allegedly conventional values may also form part of deviant manifestations. The purpose of this study is to disclose conventional standpoints in the accounts of young male adults who have committed property crimes, comparing them with socially well-regarded individuals –a comparison of ―maximally different‖ people. Consequently, two sets of accounts were gathered through in-depth semistructured interviews, representing both deviant trajectories (12 participants, average age: 23 years old) and conventional ones (6 participants, average age: 23 years old). The analysis focused on differences and similarities between and within groups aiming at narratives related to everyday experiences and culturally-charged standpoints – especially examining critical ―neoliberal‖ values and experiences related to individualism. The results show multiple points of convergence. This is particularly evident around valued goals such as family care and surprisingly, the rejection of consumerism. Moreover, future appraisals are also remarkably convergent, despite the notorious differences in past and present experiences. The results may be valuable in a twofold direction. First, the knowledge about the pro-social aspects of young offenders may improve social interventions. On the other hand, showing conventionalism in vulnerable groups often labelled as deviant may settle a more profound social critique around endorsed mainstream values in the Chilean consumer Society
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